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Neil C. Howell - Paintings

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Neil C. Howell died ~17:55 Thursday 23Dec2021 (born 20Apr1927).
Numerous ceramic vases, and a number of "mini-paintings" that he did in recent years, and especially in the last few months of life, will be added over the next few months. Note that his hands and eyesight had deteriorated, but his lates work still has a beauty characteristic of his main oil paintings.

Courtney Museum display of his "legend of the Queneesh" (Origins of the white whale glacier of Comox following the Great flood) :

Mini-paintings and ceramic vases

Video interviews about his work - have yet to be collected and posted.

This web-page is under development, and currently holds approximately 400 of 500 oil paintings produced by Neil Howell from ~1981 through 1997.

Special themes collected into pdfs :